"Monteringsvideo for PVC rekkverk" - TERRASSEGUTTA
For my project, I was tasked with creating an explainer video for assembling PVC railing fences for houses. The client for this project was Terrassegutta, a company that specializes in delivering high-quality railing fences made of PVC material.
The first step in this project was to gather all necessary information about the assembly process, including any tools and materials needed, as well as any potential challenges or common mistakes to avoid. With this information in hand, I set about creating a script for the video that would clearly and concisely guide the viewer through the assembly process, step by step.

Next, I work with the animation and edit the video, ensuring that all instructions are easy to follow and that the final product was visually appealing. The result was a professional-quality explainer video that would be both informative and engaging for viewers.

"Monteringsvideo for PVC rekkverk" - TERRASSEGUTTA
Overall, this project was a great opportunity to use my skills in video production to create a useful and valuable resource for our client. I am proud of the work that I have done and look forward to continuing to create high-quality content in the future.