"Spesialundervisning" – FFO
FFO's rights center needed a series of explanatory films to guide families before the start of school. This is the first film in a series of three films about the start of school. This film describes the pupil's rights to special education.

"Vinne med en klage" - FFO
FFO's Rights Center needed a series of explanatory films to guide families before the start of school. This is the second film in a series of three films about the start of school. This video explains how to go about winning a complaint.

"Rettigheter" – FFO
FFO´s Rettighetssenter trengte en serie med forklaringsfilmer som skulle veilede familier før skolestart. Dette er den tredje filmen i en serie av tre filmer om skolestart. Denne filmen forklarer hvilke rettigheter foreldre til barn med funksjonsnedsettelse har.

Concept, Direction, Design & Animation: Rastlaus.Media
Client: FFO
Agency: Rastlaus.Media
Voice-over: Liv Austen
Year: 2021